Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I may regret this in the morning..

BUT I signed myself up for two LONG months of 5:45am wake up calls--for.....


Yes, you see I was doing SO good--eating decently (chocolate every other day instead of every MEAL)
and working out consistently.

I did that for a month or two before we headed down to Florida for a free for all of fried seafood, cold adult beverages and the lazy life of a glorified beach bum.

Ahhhhh I miss the b e a c h .

Anyway--I have been slacking ever since. That's been JULY!
First week of July to be exact.

I haven't necessarily GAINED any weight.  But I definitely haven't lost.
And I'm about 10 lbs from where I'd like to be.
I mean, I can fit into MOST of my jeans.  But it would look a WHOLE lot better if I was down some.
And I'm sure my stomach/muffin top and waist would like a little breathing room as well.

So yes, I don't know if I can quit my love for all things CHOCOLATE....
but maybe throwing in some burpees, mountain climbers and jumping jacks will do this big tooshy some good.

I'm excited too!  I really, REALLY enjoyed Camp Gladiator.
The trainers are amazing--and the workouts KICKED my tail.
I hated it during the workouts (really the first few when I was so out of shape)--
but afterwards I felt a m a z i n g !

I lost around 10 lbs in 4-6 weeks.
And I lost a lot of inches everywhere.
 I actually did take before and after measurements...and I need to look at them again so I can count them up.
Anyway--I'm looking to lose another 10 lbs so I can fit into my skinny jeans again.

well--here's to the [future] toned & HOT mom I always wanted to be!

 Ps-Did I mention I want my body to be in great shape before we get pregnant with baby numero 2?
Yes--baby fever is running rampant in the Knuth household. (But hold your horses, it will be awhile!)

We still have to finish another room or two in our house before the next baby--and I want to make sure I'm back at fighting weight before (God willing) we are blessed with another one.

I was just very, VERY sick with Kie the first 5-6 months.  I literally couldn't do much but go to work--and pray I wouldn't puke or pass out.  So if the next pregnancy is like that I want to make sure I'm in the best condition possible to make it easier on me, the new baby--and for Kie.

So--yes, back to the grind.  Because like the Bible teaches us--our bodies are OUR temples.  And I need to get back to treating it like that. And by golly, us ladies are able to bear children.  So we need to do it right by treating it right.  ::Step away from the Oreos!::
Not only do we use our bodies, but our babies do.
I need to be reminded of that daily!
Our bodies aren't our own!
And you'll definitely learn that the second you become pregnant.

Ok I'm wrapping this up.
Tomorrow, bright and early--me and J will be starting a love/marriage devotional.
It's very easy to put marriage & romance *and God's idea of marriage*
on the back burner when you have a family, a career, a household to tend...
so we are trying to set some time early in the morning each day (5:45am ahhhh!) to spend some time reading the Bible together-reflecting over our devotional and praying.
Because I know--and you probably do too---that society and Satan has a target on the back of married, Christian couples.
It's a vile and cruel world--and the only way we can stand up to anyone or anything is with God's Word as our shield.

So wish us luck! I hope this becomes a habit for us!

I'll leave you with some random cell phone shots!

Until next time,


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