Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend Getaway

Bonne matin! (Good morning in French)
I still speak French and I definitely use it with baby Kie.
I realize I live in Texas where the dominate language is Spanish--but, I want Kie to know his heritage--and he's a part French. And half German.  But, I don't know much he's out of luck there.

Anyway, I am currently sitting on our comfy couch a wee bit sweaty and definitely tired.  I've been up since 5 am and been at BOOT CAMP.

This is just the first week.  First day of it, I was dreading every minute and telling myself how this would be the ONLY day I'd go.  I was cramping up from the protein bar I had eaten for breakfast.  I was coming close to last in all the long distance runs and my legs and abs were on fire.

Well, day two was a different story!

I didn't eat breakfast--therefore, I didn't cramp up.  My sore muscles loosened up during our warm up runs.  And today we focused on a lot more weights and relay runs then distance.  In other words, my cup of tea!

Also--Justin took all my measurements before I started on Monday--so we'll see how many inches I've hopefully lost after I'm finished.  Initially I signed up for 4 weeks, but I extended it to 8.  So I'll do a 4 week measure and then an additional one after 8 weeks.

I'm hoping to lose 12 inches total (legs, arms, waist, hips).  Also, today I felt the 'athlete' in me awaken.  If anyone knows me, then they know how extremely competitive I am.  I can't stand to lose.  Luckily growing up, most things I did--I did well at.  Or, if I was on a team sport, I was always on the winning team.

Needless to say, this competitive side comes out during board games, billiard games, Wii games, wrestling, pool, darts, swimming, walking, running, name it!

Justin thinks it's hilarious.
So today at boot camp we split up in teams to do relays.  I got a rush from competing against the others.  And my team came in 2nd.  (No not first, but that's because one of the girls was dragging tail.)  But still, it was the rush I've missed.

I hope for more of that!

Now, rewind from the weekend.

Friday-we went to Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers play with my entire family.  It was Justin's and Kie's first Ranger's game.  Justin really liked the Ranger's stadium and not mention how awesome the Rangers are (way better than the Astros).  The game was like a home run derby.

Saturday we had a grill out at my brother's (Clint's) for his big 3-0 birthday.  It was great spending time with him and his wife and his two precious babies.  Not to mention, seeing Kie and Archer (who is a month younger than Kie) together.  The babies had an Easter egg hunt...more so Amelia (2 years old) was doing all the hunting.

That evening we met up with my long time best friend, Caitlin, at the Gaylord for dinner with Justin and Kie.

It was the first time she had met both of them!  It was great seeing her (she's a nurse at Baylor Medical) and so very beautiful.  Kie also loved seeing her and Justin is always happy to meet the people I love the most.

After dinner we planned on helping my parents watch all the grandbabies so Clint and his wife Amanda could go out for a birthday fling.  But, once we returned to their house a massive storm blew in, causing the transformers to go out.  So instead we all lit candles, watching the storm blow in and told ghost stories.  *Probably not appropriate for the night before Easter.

Eventually everyone had to get a hotel room downtown because nights in Texas without A/C are unbearable.  Especially when there are small babies involved!

Sunday we attended my brother's church in Grapevine--and headed back to good old Austin.  **Since we missed our church service, we listened to our favorite preacher, Dr. Bowman, on the radio.  

AND the Easter Bunny was very good to our lil man, regardless if he could hunt for Eggs or not!

Anyway, Kie's first Easter and first MLB game was great.  Spending time with family and being with the people we love most is always a blessing.  Easter, of course is the biggest blessing of them all.  Without Easter, I would not know what love truly is.

NOW for some pictures!  Hope everyone has a great Easter and a blessed week.

My two brothers, Carter & Clint (niece Amelia Jane in middle!)

David Archer, 5 months! Precious nephew

Momma HK & Daddy J (lil man is bundled up! super windy)

my silly lil man

baby meeting

cutest babies ever

Archer man and chunky monkey Kie

holding hands

Big Daddy and all his grandbabies-Kie, Amelia & Archer

Amelia and her Daddy's cake

Clint blowing out ALL his 30 candles

My sweet baby

Uncle Justin and Amelia

my two sweet boys

posing babies

trying to get this Easter picture right

Kie taste testing

picking flowers for his momma

Caitlin & Kie

Kie and his Easter basket

1 comment:

  1. Love the sweet lil baby diaper pics. Daddy Tim looks proud :) And you look tiny, missy!


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